As an Environmental Visual Communications student, I had an assignment to do a mock rebranding of an environmental organization. The goal was to research the organization to get an idea of their values, mission and identity, and then use that to design a logo, letterhead, and business card. I chose a small, local organization called Greenest City, whose mission is essentially to provide people living in the city with the access to affordable and sustainable food sources, while also strengthening community bonds. I decided that a good logo for them would focus on gardening/sustainable food growth, accented by a sense of community, teamwork, and/or togetherness, as well as the inclusion of elements representative of the urban setting.
The first step after settling on an organization, was to get those creative juices flowing with some sketching. I wanted to include some of those sketches here, but apparently I didn't make those sketches in my normal sketchbook, and can't seem to find the sheet of paper, so I guess until I find it, you'll just have to believe me when I say I did them...
Anyway, from those sketches, I picked a couple of ideas that I thought were promising and started mocking them up on my computer. Some examples of which can be seen below.
This first option I decided to try was the root vegetable (I designed it as a beet, but if you want to interpret it as a radish instead, I won't be offended) which was made up of the organization's initials (GC). I played around with letter orientation, colours, and including the organization's full name.
With the logo settled on, it was time to move on to working on developing some designs for letterhead and business cards.
As a bonus, I made this short animation of my Greenest City mock rebrand logo for an assignment in my Multimedia Methods class, I designed it with the idea that it could function as an intro/outro to help give their videos a consistent style.